Message from the Development Committee Chair
I am Toshihide Naganuma, Department of Urology, Osaka Metropolitan University, and I am pleased to be asked to chair the APSDA Development Committee. Since 2014, I have been participating in the NGO Ubiquitous Blood Purification International to provide medical support in the field of vascular access in Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, and Vietnam. Specifically, I have visited Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, and Vietnam to perform surgeries and VAIVT, hold hands-on seminars, and give lectures. We have also assisted in setting up societies of nephrology in Cambodia and Laos.
Since 2016, we have been accepting Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, Nepalese, and Indonesian young doctors for training in Osaka as part of the activities of the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy. I would like to use these experiences to contribute to the educational program in the area of access at APSDA, and I look forward to working with you.

Development Committee Chair Toshihide Naganuma